Play Strategy
Policies and action plans
The Play Strategy provides ten key policy statements and detailed action plans showing how the aims will be achieved from 2016 - 2020, in line with the Council Plan and the agreed play policy statements. The detailed policies and links with the Council Plan can be found in the full Play Strategy document.
Thriving Residents
Council Plan priority
All of our families, children and young people are supported to get the best start in life.
Play Strategy policy statement
- P1. Play has a key role in improving the health and well-being of children and young people through the promotion of active and healthy lifestyles.
- P2. Strategy partners will work towards ensuring that all play provision is fully inclusive and accessible.
Thriving Communities
Council plan priority
Cleanest, safest and most sustainable neighbourhoods in the country.
Play Strategy policy statement
- P3. Strategy partners will protect and enhance play and youth facilities in the borough, following good practice in relation to design quality, inclusion and risk/benefit assessment procedures.
- P4. Strategy partners will invest in new provision/improvements to play spaces and youth facilities only if the sustainability of the spaces/facilities can be demonstrated.
- P5. Play and youth facilities have an important role in enriching the lives of young people, in offering them stimulating and rewarding alternatives to anti-social behaviour. Strategy partners will aim to provide outdoor youth facilities.
- P6. Strategy partners will aim to make appropriate public spaces as child friendly as possible, ensuring that parks, housing estates, shopping areas and other public spaces within the Borough, are as safe and conducive as possible to children’s play.
Council plan priority
Vibrant and healthy communities with inclusive leisure, heritage and culture opportunities.
Play Strategy policy statement
- P7. Town/Parish Councils, Housing Associations and the voluntary and community sectors have a key role in relation to the provision of play spaces. The Council will work in partnership with all such organisations to improve play and youth facilities.
Council Plan priority
Our resources are well managed and reflect the priorities of residents.
Play Strategy policy statement
- P8. Play spaces and youth facilities will be provided/improved on the basis of a strategic analysis of local need with the aim of providing an equitable distribution of facilities and services across the borough, with priority being given to provision where it is most needed.
- P9. Children, young people, their families and the wider community will be positively engaged in the planning of play spaces and youth facilities through appropriate consultation and active involvement.
- P10. Strategy partners will seek to maximise returns from external funding opportunities and the potential of planning obligations and agreements with developers in order to facilitate the improvement and enhancement of Play and Youth Facility provision and to support its future maintenance.
The Action Plans
Both the Tier One Play Strategy and the Tier Two Play Strategies have associated Action Plans to help turn words into action.
Tier One Play Strategy - Strategic and Borough-wide
This action plan covers broad strategic actions relating to the Tier One Play Strategy.
Tier Two Play Strategy – Locality Based Frameworks
There are four action plans for the Tier Two Play Strategy, one for each locality area. These plans supply detailed evidence in relation to site-specific options for new and improved play and outdoor youth facilities at local delivery plan level.