Play Strategy
How it links with other Council Plans
The Play Strategy is fully joined-up with other key Council plans and strategies across the Borough:
- The Council Plan 2016 - 2020
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015 - 2020
The Council Plan - Helping the Borough Thrive
The Council Plan sets clear Priorities within three main themes:
- Thriving Residents
- Thriving Communities
- Thriving Economy
The Play Strategy shows in detail how Play and youth facility provision contributes to all three of these themes.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy
The strategy points out that encouraging and supporting active play to become part of everyday life can be a significant factor in relation to enhancing children's emotional health and wellbeing. Having easy access to good quality play areas is a key element of this. Regular visits to play areas and outdoor youth facilities can help with:
- Reducing childhood obesity - a key target for public health.
- Supporting children's emotional health and wellbeing - another key strand in the Public Health Team's work. Developing resilience is an important element of this.