Play Strategy
How was the Play Strategy produced
The strategy was drawn up following wide consultation with all interested parties. This included:
- Stakeholder workshops (an initial borough-wide workshop and four Locality based sessions)
- Surveys of children and young people
- Surveys of town and parish councils
- Surveys of local play and youth organisations
- Interviews and engagement with key stakeholders (Council and external partners)
The process involved:
- A detailed audit and mapping of all play areas and youth facilities across the Borough.
- An extensive programme of consultation and community involvement.
- Showing how the strategy supports the delivery of wider local and national aims.
- Developing local policy for play.
- Analysing the supply of and need for play spaces and youth facilities.
- Developing roles for all partners to maximise the benefits of potential play area and youth facility improvements.
- Providing advice and guidance on good practice, quality and funding.
- Producing detailed Action Plans so that we turn words into action.