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Lache Action Plan

What is the plan?

Lache Action Plan consists of four proposals which aim to help improve the neighbourhood for local residents and guide investment in the area.

The four Action Plan projects are:

  • Lache Park (Sycamore Drive) - invest in new children’s play equipment, including inclusive play, to support improved facilities for children.
  • Backies/LAPA Field - proposal to improve 8-hectare former landfill area for wildlife and residents to enjoy as a green space amenity.
  • Lache Community Centre - proposal to refurbish the existing building to improve facilities for local residents and help improve its financial and environmental sustainability.
  • Traffic/road improvements on Hawthorn Road and Poplar Place - consider options to better manage traffic, making it safer to walk or cycle, and improving the way the area looks and feels.

The four action plan projects are supported in their development by the Council’s Communities and Engagement and Regeneration teams, together with additional support from other Council services depending on the nature of the project.

There is no core-funding pre-allocated to each project prior to their development and all decisions on funding and delivery is subject to their final business case alongside opportunities to maximise funding from developer contributions and external funding.

Each project has a local residents ‘task and finish group’, (a group of key partners and residents who work together on specific project over a short period) established to help shape the emerging scope of proposals and ensure residents voices are heard.

If you are interested in joining one please email or call in to Lache Community Centre and leave your details with a staff member.

Cabinet reports