Lache Action Plan
The Backies / LAPA Fields
The proposal for the Backies / LAPA fields is to improve former landfill site as a space for wildlife and biodiversity and for residents to enjoy as a green space amenity.
Where are we now?
A UK Habitat Baseline Biodiversity survey was undertaken by Cheshire Wildlife Trust in 2023, and findings were shared at a public meeting in August 2023. The study identified presence of different species, and condition and size of the habitat and suggested improvements that could be made which would result in a 56% net gain in habitat units.
What happens next?
Enabling works
Members of ‘Friends of the Backies’ (Facebook group) are working closely with the Total Environment team to do some initial works to help remove rubbish and improve access. Funding from Ecology Service is supporting some additional works including self-seeded tree removal to open up the entrance and making the site feel safer and clear fly tipping.
Emerging site proposals
A task and finish group has been established bringing together several of the 'Friends of the Backies' group, residents and other stakeholders to work with the landscape designer and ecologists to help develop a longer-term plan for the site.
Action day
'Friends of Backies' and ecologists are discussing the idea of an “action day” in late spring/early summer with the aspiration to encourage neighbours, volunteers from local businesses and friends of the Backies members to have a community clean-up day.
Please contact us if you would be interested in volunteering, supporting us by funding a skip (or two) or helping out in other ways
Task Group
If you are interested in being part of the task and finish group, please email or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.
The group is planning to meet quarterly to discuss next steps.