Lache Action Plan
Hawthorn Road / Poplar Place Traffic Management
The proposal has been to consider options to better manage traffic, making it safer to walk or cycle, and improving the way the area looks and feels on Cliveden Road, Downsfield Road, Hawthorn Road and Poplar Road.
Where are we now?
Initial engagement events were held in 2023, and further engagement with schools, have identified concerns over congestion and pavement parking on Hawthorn Road which can discourage parents from feeling it safe to let their children walk to school. The large speed pads which result in cars/cyclists weaving on highway and the large ugly roundabout junction at the heart of Lache are other concerns that have been identified.
The Council’s Transport and Infrastructure Team have appointed transport consultants, following some initial traffic and parking surveys, to look identify options which would address these issues whilst also considering needs of local businesses and maintaining a safe road network.
What happens next?
A task and finish group was established and they met with consultants to share initial views. These included:
- suggestion of crossing on Cliveden Road near to shops
- potential to replace roundabout with a cross-junction to ‘reclaim’ some of the road for planting and improving the appearance, whilst also retaining space for loading and short-stay parking
- exploring option to create a one-way loop along Downsfield Road, Hawthorn Road and Poplar Road, with marked parking bays on Hawthorn Road, to reduce congestion and parking in front of residents’ driveways and making it feel safer to walk or cycle to local amenities.
- replacement of ‘speed pads’ with road wide/lower humps - to discourage speeding or traffic weaving whilst also making it safer for bus, cyclists and pedestrians.
The Consultants have undertaken further consultation with Highways engineers, drainage and Public Transport teams and are now preparing a detailed design and cost proposal. Once further details of this are available, we will engage with the task group, local businesses, and residents. At this point no funding has been committed to the project.
Task Group
If you are interested in being part of the task and finish group, please email or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.
The consultants are continuing to liaise with local schools and other stakeholders to explore ideas and at this time no decisions have been taken or funding committed.