Lache Action Plan
Lache Community Centre
The proposal for Lache Community Centre is to refurbish the existing building to improve facilities for local residents and help improve its financial and environmental sustainability. This will be undertaken in two phases.
Where are we now?
In 2023, we undertook a community consultation on the centre – this showed that people wanted:
- the café to be open for longer hours – with people being happy for this to be run by a third-party organisation but want it to be affordable
- to see more facilities in the building especially space which could support health and well-being, adult activity classes and retain space for young people
Further details can be found in our survey results report (PDF, 180KB)
We have now secured funding to start the initial funding. This will include:
- re-configuration and upgrading of the lounge (function room) lobby and underused gym space to create a new community café, welcoming seating area and flexible upgraded lounge space suitable for community events and bookings
- PV panels and LED lighting to help improve environmental sustainability and reduce energy costs
- new CCTV to improve security
What happens next?
Works to the initial phase will start in early Autumn and should be finished in the start of 2025 – and we will work closely with centre users and hirers to minimise disturbance. Most events taking place in the main sports hall and meeting rooms will still be able to go ahead during works, but we will signpost you into the building by different entrances so that people are kept well away from construction.
We are looking to appoint a café operator, and interested parties can find out further details by emailing for a pack.
We will continue to work with the task group and other stakeholders on emerging proposals for the second phase.
Task Group
If you are interested in being part of the task and finish group, please email or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.