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Our Teams

Reviewing care and support

Review Team

The Review Team undertakes yearly reviews for people who have previously been supported by the Community Social Care Teams. They assist people to review their support needs and make any changed to their care and support plans if needed.

Complex Care and Review Team

The team complete reviews of day services, supported living and residential properties for adults who are supported by the community learning disabilities or mental health teams. They undertake Care Act Assessments and reviews for adults and also review care where people live in multiple occupancy supported living and care homes to ensure it is providing the most appropriate support for all who live there.

The team work closely with housing partners to gather information about future accommodation needs for the adults we work with and manage projects to develop new services in the local area.

Continuing Health Care Team

The Continuing Health Care Social Work Team provides support to practitioners when people who they work with need to apply for Continuing Health Care. More information can be found on the  NHS: Continuing Healthcare page.