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Our Teams

Maximising Independence

Reablement Team

The Reablement Team help people to gain (or regain), their confidence, ability, and necessary skills to live as independently as possible. The team provide services to adults who need to regain the ability to perform their usual activities, like cooking meals, washing and dressing and getting around. The team support people in their own homes and work closely with our other teams to support people needing help in the community or when they are leaving hospital.

Promoting Independence Team

The Promoting Independence Team work with the Reablement Team to provide specialist advice, equipment, and minor adaptations as well as recommendations for Disabled Facilities Grant applications and major adaptations to Registered Housing Providers. The team aims to help people with a disability to live as independently as possible. You can also use our Ask Sara online tool to help find equipment to meet your needs.

In House Mental Health Provider services

Our Mental Health Provider offers several different services across Cheshire West and Chester, working with a range of other teams to provide support to people with a mental health diagnosis to maintain their mental health in the community with access to suitable community support services. Services include our resource centres, outreach programmes and mental health focused reablement offer.