Our Teams
Accessing our services
Cheshire West Community Access Team
The Community Access Team is one of the ways you can first make contact with Adult Social Care as well as through Let’s Talk, Live Well and Ask Sara. The team acts as the first point of contact and reviews all social care enquiries and referrals, providing information, advice and guidance to promote wellbeing, and support people to be as independent as possible. The team is also the first point of contact for children with disabilities who need assessments from Occupational Therapy and Visual Impairment and for anybody who needs to raise concerns about the welfare of adults; the team makes sure that these concerns are looked at, and dealt with, by the right team.
Hospital Discharge Team
For those who need support to leave hospital, the Hospital Discharge Team is your first point of contact. They work alongside NHS teams, with people and their families and carers, to undertake assessments and support planning to make sure people can leave hospital safely. They provide information, advice and guidance on the services available to help people leave hospital and make referrals to other teams who they think can help once you return home.
Emergency Duty Team
The Emergency Duty Team works outside of normal office hours and provides an urgent response to social care situations for adults and children, including undertaking Mental Health Act assessments. They help people who cannot wait for support until the next working day due to the risks they are experiencing.