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Road signs and markings

Parking on the Highway

On-street highway parking is a common issue across the borough. Many households have family living at the same property, who have their own vehicles with insufficient off-road parking provision. This can often lead to vehicles being displaced onto the road, which can cause parking issues.

We receive many complaints about parking which can sometimes escalate into neighbourly disputes. We would always encourage residents to try and resolve issues face-to-face in the first instance and where this is not possible, to seek assistance from Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs).

If this still cannot be resolved, we will investigate this matter and try to find a solution for everyone.

Report it

For any off-street parking enquires or car parks, please refer to our parking pages.

Report illegal parking 

You can report vehicles parked where drivers ignore parking restrictions and H Bar markings or where they obstruct dropped kerbs.

Report a parking obstruction where there are no restrictions

Where there are no waiting restriction parking regulations in place on the road or verge, enforcement can only be carried out by the Cheshire Police

They are only likely to act if the parking is causing an obstruction. For example, where pedestrians, pram or wheelchair users are being forced into the road. Please report this obstructive parking to Cheshire Police on 101.

Request for access protection markings (H bars) for driveways

If residents have a properly constructed vehicular crossing (dropped kerb) then they can request an access protection marking (known as a H bar). This is simply a white line with a short tab at either end, which is laid across the driveway and helps draw attention to the driveway and deter parking across it. 

In some situations, we sometimes recommend residents to fix a small notice to their property wall or gate, politely asking other road users to be considerate and not obstruct the access.

Request for Disabled Parking bays

A referral from Occupational Therapy is required first for Highways to assess any locations suitability for a potential disabled bay on the highway. A blue badge is required to be eligible.

Where a property has existing off-street parking or if the area fronting the property is less than 6.6 metres in length it is unlikely any bay application would be progressed. Disabled bays are not resident specific and other blue badge holders can park in any disabled bay on the highway.

The Occupational Therapy team can be contacted:

Requests for new Highway parking restrictions

For any request for new parking restrictions, we would need to assess whether any changes are required and would resolve the problem raised or help improve road safety. Please note that if a road currently has no parking restrictions and no safety issues, it would not be a matter that we would be pursue

If waiting restrictions are required, a permanent Traffic Regulation Order will be required which will follow the same process detailed in the Traffic Regulation Order process section.