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Public rights of way

Guidance for problems and protocols

This information is intended to provide a guide to our protocol regarding various problems that commonly occur to help assist all users and landowners. It will provide information on Public Rights of Way legislation and how we will apply it.

The primary function government enforcement work is to protect the public and the environment. This applies specifically to public rights of way as well as to a wide range of other functions. Furthermore, the effectiveness of legislation in protecting the public rights of way network and the rights of the public depends crucially on the compliance of those regulated. We have therefor adopted the central and local government Concordat on Good Enforcement. Included in the term ‘enforcement’ are advisory visits and information. We will provide information and advice in plain language on the rules we apply and we will be open about how we go about our work. We will always be keen to discuss general issues or specific problems with anyone experiencing difficulties.

We believe that prevention is better than cure and that our role therefore involves actively working with both landowners and users to advise on and assist with compliance.