Travel assistance
Eligibility for travel assistance will automatically be considered for pupils moving into year 7 in September when school places are offered. For any other age group or pupils moving schools mid-year, travel applications will need to be completed. More information and the application process can be found on our mainstream transport page.
If there are any changes in circumstances affecting your travel assistance, you must notify us at the earliest opportunity. You can do this by emailing our team at
A change of circumstance may include but is not limited to:
- Change of address
- Change of school
- Change of pick-up point
- If the travel assistance provided, e.g. bus pass, is not being used
Special Educational Needs (SEND)
For children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN)/Disability, travel assistance will only be provided to the nearest suitable school from the main home address. More information can be found on our SEND transport page.
If there are any changes in circumstances affecting your travel assistance, you must notify us at the earliest opportunity. You can do this by emailing our team at
A change of circumstance may include but is not limited to:
- Change of address
- Change of school
- Change of pick-up point
- If the travel assistance provided is not being used
Post 16 Hardship / Low income
For young people aged 16-18, there is no duty to provide free travel assistance. However, for young people aged 16-18 where families are on low income and where the young person is attending the nearest provider to the home address offering the chosen course at an appropriate level which is more than three miles away, we may provide travel assistance. More information can be found on our Post 16 Hardship transport page.
Adults may be eligible for travel assistance if it is required to support their eligible care needs under the Care Act 2014. More information can be found on our request for services page.