Northwich Library
What has happened so far?
August 2022
The age and condition of the existing timber-framed building meant that the library needed to be closed to protect public safety and allow structural engineers to carry out stabilisation work and further structural investigations.
November 2022
The emergency stabilisation works were completed. This included carefully designed structural scaffolding to secure the west elevation.
December 2022
From December onwards, extensive investigation works and technical surveys were initiated to enable the immediate repair strategy and inform the wider renovation project.
March 2023
Following stabilisation and investigations, immediate repair works to two thirds of the west elevation started on site. Repair works included safe asbestos removal from floor voids, replacement of floor joists and floorboards and replacement and repair of elements of the timber frame on the west elevation.
Due to the historic nature of the building and its listed building status the works were complex and were completed in March 2024.
Autumn 2024
Additional structural scaffolding was installed on the final west elevation panel.
Current repair works

November 2023: Replacement of some beams and floor joists following asbestos removal from the floor void. Stabilising scaffolding and west elevation repair in background.

November 2023: In progress repair of the timber frame on the west elevation.

December 2023: new timber frame and brick work on the west elevation, before the application of render.

December 2023: one of the new windows being prepared for the west elevation.

January 2024: new timber frame, brickwork and window frames on the first and second gable of the west elevation - before the application of render.

January 2024: new flooring in main room on west elevation.