Street lighting and traffic lights
Pedestrian crossings
You can report an issue with a pedestrian crossing if:
- pedestrian crossings lights are all out
- zebra crossing beacons are faulty
- pedestrian-controlled crossings are faulty
- pedestrian crossings are damaged
New pedestrian crossing requests
To justify a need for crossing facility, we first need to undertake a pedestrian crossing survey (known as a PV squared survey). During the assessment, we would count the number of vehicles travelling along the section of road and the number of pedestrians crossing during a 12 hour period.
Even if a location met the criteria for a pedestrian crossing due to the assessment above, the associated costs are high, with zebra crossings costing in excess of £35,000 and pedestrian crossings, much more.
There are limited budgets for the provision of crossings across the borough. We currently have a list of locations for pedestrian crossing facilities where the criteria have been met but are waiting for allocated funding.
If you would like to request a pedestrian crossing facility, you should contact your local Councillor in the first instance to seek their support.