Charges for care and support
What services can't we charge for?
There are some instances when we are unable to charge for some of the services provided via the Council.
We may not charge for the following services as they are legally exempt from charging under the Care Act 2014:
- any services provided as Aftercare Services under section 117 of the Mental Health Act
- reablement services/Intermediate Care services – which are short term interventions to avoid inappropriate admissions to hospital or facilitate discharge from hospital - for a period of up to six weeks
- equipment and adaptations costing less than £1000
- services provided to people suffering from Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
- providing any information and advice about the availability of services or for an assessment
- services for children and young people under 18 years
- Former Relevant Children may be exempt from some costs related to living near to where they work or are in continued education or training
NHS Funded Care
If you are moving into a registered nursing home, either temporarily or permanently, your nursing care needs will be funded by the NHS through a Funded Nursing Care (FNC) payment which is paid directly to the care home. This is separate from your assessed contribution, which goes towards the cost of the accommodation and care you receive that we have paid.
Continuing Health Care
Sometimes care and support can be paid for by the NHS as Continuing Health Care (CHC). Your social care assessor will explain this to you if it is appropriate. It is this advice that you should follow. Charges for care and support will however be applied until such time as any CHC award may be made and if it is successful, you may be eligible for a refund for some of the charges you have paid. However, it is important that you pay all charges for your care and support services unless you are advised otherwise.