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Pillar 2: The places and communities we live in

Preventing social isolation and loneliness

Anyone can experience social isolation and loneliness. Groups particularly at risk include:

  • 16 to 24-year-olds
  • people with one or more long-term conditions
  • people who are disabled
  • people who need support for their mental health
  • people who are unemployed
  • people who are subjected to domestic abuse
  • carers
  • those with complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
  • older people 65 years and over.

The health impact of loneliness is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. The Community Sector plays a key role in supporting our residents’ wellbeing, signposting, and providing services, for example befriending schemes and projects such as ‘Men in Sheds’. A strategic approach is needed to ensure that we tackle social isolation and loneliness across Cheshire West and that our interventions are successful.

The aim of social prescribing is to connect individuals with non-clinical or social needs to opportunities for social interaction, support, learning and healthy living. This will relieve some of the pressure on health services, but more importantly, it will improve the quality of life and wellbeing for our residents.

We will:

  • use the assets available in our community, mobilising individuals, associations, and organisations to work together to improve health outcomes for all
  • continue our programme of work to reduce the number of suicides in the borough
  • implement a coordinated approach to social prescribing across the borough
  • provide individuals, associations and organisations with information and support to help address social isolation
  • support our Community Sector with their wide-ranging wellbeing work
  • develop a common approach to measuring the impact of social prescribing on the individual
  • consider Social Prescribers within the wider context of Community Partnerships, with a focus on local community needs
  • train a number of people to become social prescribing link workers in primary care who willwork with social prescribers in the community
  • monitor and evaluate the impact and outcomes of our approach to social prescribing
  • work with partners to create a well-publicised network of opportunities and support for residents of all ages to alleviate social isolation
  • promote green social prescribing schemes.