Road safety engineering
We work in partnership with other organisations to improve road safety in Cheshire West. We are a member of the Cheshire Road Safety Group, which co-ordinates speed cameras and the cameras at traffic lights.
Designing safer roads
We have an ongoing programme of engineering work to make roads safer with the following goals:
- minimise injuries and deaths on the road
- tackle road safety issues that affect the quality of life in our communities
- create environments that are more sympathetic to the needs of vulnerable road users
Road safety education
Road safety is not just about designing safer roads, it is also about people’s behaviour, having the skills to be safe, together with individual responsibility and an awareness of road safety. More information can be found on our road safety education page.
Collision investigation and analysis
We regularly review the road traffic collisions sent to us by Cheshire Police to search for trends and problem areas. Locations are identified by an annual collision analysis with priority given to areas of the highest number of collisions.
Traffic survey data
We do not provide traffic survey data in relation to the highway network but Town and Parish Council, and other organisations can commission their own surveys.