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Road safety enforcement

Comment on speed limit

When leaving a comment, please ensure that you include your name, address and reasons for support or objection.

Comment or object

What happens next?

Following the end of the consultation period, the highway engineer dealing with the proposed speed limit will let you know the outcome and the next steps. Decisions on whether to uphold an objection will be made by the Area Highways Manager. However, there may be occasions where a decision is required by our Executive Member due to more complex and contentious issues. Full details of the speed limit proposal and plans of the location will be available on either our website or from the Highways Team.

What happens when you comment on a proposed speed limit?

The highway engineer dealing with the proposed speed limit will assess your comments and form a professional review. This may involve liaising with other Council departments, Cheshire Constabulary, town and parish councils as well as assessing comments from other local residents. Based on this information officers will then weigh up all issues surrounding the proposed speed limit before making a recommendation.

Appealing the decision

You have no right to appeal. The lead officer for the proposed speed limit change will explain the reasoning which led to the decision being made.

How to request a lower speed limit

Requests for a speed limit assessment must come from your local councillor, parish council or town council. This is because under our current policy, they must part-fund any recommended changes from budgets they hold. You can find your councillors details on our councillors and committees page.

We undertake assessments in line with the Department for Transport Circular 1/2013 Setting Speed Limit which is supported by Cheshire Police who are responsible for the enforcement.

The assessment considered the road environment including:

  • the class of the road and location
  • the number of bends and access junctions
  • how the road is used - for example, is it local access or through traffic
  • the level and type of development fronting the stretch of road
  • the current speed of vehicles and collision data

As part of a proposed speed limit, we would consult with residents and business affected to seek their views and given them the opportunity to raise any concerns or objections.

These proposals are advertised in the local press, on our website and a notice is placed on the affected roads. Details of current proposals can be found on our Public notices page.