Transforming the Market Hall
Have your say
The consultation took place in November, all feedback received will be carefully considered and any necessary amendments to the proposals will be made before they are finalised.
On behalf of Cheshire West and Chester Council, Avison Young will then submit a planning application for the proposed development in December 2023 which will hopefully enable a start on-site in Autumn 2024 subject to receiving planning consent.
The planning application will be supported by a Statement of Community Involvement, which will summarise the community consultation undertaken, and the feedback received. The Statement of Community Involvement will also provide a response to the comments received from the local community, including any changes made to the proposals.
How to share your views
We would very much welcome your comments and feedback on the proposals.
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Frequently asked questions
Town centres across the country are facing a challenging future with empty units and more shopping online. To help boost the town’s appeal, the Council successfully applied for government funding to help transform the market and provide an improved retail experience and social space for the whole community to enjoy. From our research with the public and traders we know the market is a much-loved community asset, this project is designed to ensure the market can successfully evolve and help future-proof the market for many more years to come.
One of the key criteria for the project’s funding was to increase energy efficiency. The proposals will enable us to install solar panels on the roof and incorporate new cladding to the outside of the building which will greatly increase its thermal efficiency. The cladding will also help to make the market more attractive and visible with a bright new colour scheme and graphics; and will include separate dedicated entrances for the market hall and the flea market event space.
We are also proposing to improve the area directly outside the entrance from the car park with more greenery and al fresco seating spaces.
We are proposing to rearrange the stall layout inside the market, to improve the customer flow around the stalls, and introduce new zones that will allow for different types of activity such as eating, co-working plus dedicated play and youth areas.
Food and beverage units will be clustered around the central dining space, similar to the current layout while increasing the range of food choices available but not with the intention of creating a ‘food-hall’ type market.
An area for produce stalls will be created on entry from the Port Arcades and a smaller, secondary dining area will be created next to a play area and youth zone with a co-working space created by the entrance from the car park.
We also want to use colour and improved lighting inside the market to help visitors find the different areas, this will co-ordinate with the exterior colour scheme, which has been inspired by a 1970s Vauxhall colour chart to link with the town’s heritage.
We are proposing to fully overhaul this area to allow for it to function as an multi-use event space and allow for a wider range of events to be held there, alongside the current uses, with more back stage areas, and a bar area. By creating its own entrance, the flea market would be able to function independently from the market such as when the market is closed in the evenings. We hope this will ensure we can welcome visitors from across Ellesmere Port and the surrounding area.
Yes, a new toilet block is proposed between the market and flea market and we will increase the range of accessible toilets and include a changing places facility also.
Inevitably with such a large-scale project, there will be some periods of disruption and some of the market stalls may have to move temporarily as the works are carried out. We will be working closely with the traders to ensure this can be achieved on a phased basis if possible and disruption minimised, but please bear with us while the works take place; we believe it will be worth the short-term pain for a long-term gain.
The number of stalls we have now will remain, and we anticipate all the existing traders will be accommodated in the new layout. Some stalls may have to move as part of the improvements to help create a better customer experience and maximise their location.
We will be working closely with the traders to ensure they are fully consulted. We are also hoping to attract new traders as a result of the improvements to create a thriving market with a wider range of stalls within a more sustainable building and a more welcoming and vibrant space.
Whilst at this stage we cannot rule this out completely, we will do all we can to ensure traders can remain open during the improvements as we want their businesses to remain successful so they can reap the benefits once the improvements are completed.
Following the current public consultation period, we will review feedback and make any amendments in order that we can submit a planning application for the proposed improvements in December 2023. This will hopefully enable works to start on-site in May 2024, subject to receiving planning consent. We currently expect the improvements to be completed by summer 2025.
The Council has successfully secured £13.4m from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' Levelling Up Fund, and approximately £8.5m will be allocated towards the market improvements. The rest of the funding will be spent on improved walking, wheeling and cycling links and helping to bring forward sites for new low-carbon housing across the town.