Skills and employment
If you have been made redundant or you are at risk of redundancy, we can provide the support you need.
Support for businesses that need to make people redundant is also available.
Employment support available
If you are facing or going through redundancy you can contact us through our Emergency Response Portal. You can submit your CV through the portal and access employment support via a mentor at one of our Skills and Employment Hubs (previously called Work Zones). Our mentors can support with:
- One to one employment mentoring to help you shape your CV, job search and prepare for interviews
- accessing tools to assess your skills and identify any gaps
- suggesting training courses to update your skills
- links to local employers who are recruiting or offering work trials
- links to specialist careers guidance
- information on benefits advice and access to support
- directing you to health services
- advice on starting up a business or going self-employed
Our services are free and can be tailored to suit your needs. If you would like to discuss your needs in confidence, please contact us.
For more information
More information about local jobs and learning opportunities, including apprenticeships can be found on the Cheshire and Warrington Opportunities Portal.
A summary of support for people facing redundancy is available on the Gov.UK website.
The Redundancy Support Service for Apprentices (RSSA)
If you are an apprentice who has been made redundant the RSSA provides advice on your options and next steps. An explanation of the service, the benefits and how to access it can be found on the ESFA Gov.UK YouTube channel.
More information about facing redundancy during your apprenticeship can be found on the Engage Apprenticeship website. Alternatively, you can call 0800 015 0400 to speak to an adviser.
Starting your own business
If you are thinking about starting your own business or going self-employed, the Let's Talk Business website has a guide that summaries the available support including access to finance and commercial premises.