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Skills and employment

Volunteering with the Skills and Employment team

Volunteers form an important part of the Skills and Employment team and we greatly value their time and commitment.

People volunteer with the council’s Skills and Employment team for many reasons. Some use the opportunity to gain new skills and enhance their employment prospects in a certain field. They may only stay with us for a short time before they move on. Other volunteers have been with us a long time. They may be retired or work part time elsewhere.

We welcome applications from anyone wishing to volunteer. Many of our roles are based in Skills and Employment Hubs (previously called Work Zones), but some may take you into the wider community supporting our tutors delivering courses, including IT, maths or English. All our volunteers can take advantage of training opportunities some of which can lead to formal qualifications.

We have volunteering opportunities in the following areas:

  • IT support
  • administration/reception
  • classroom support

Due to the high levels of interest in our volunteer roles we may not always have vacancies available.

For more information
