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Pay your Council Tax

Pay your Council Tax

Please note - The online Benefits claim form and the portal for Council Tax, Business Rates and Housing Benefit Landlords will be unavailable between 28 February and 1 March. 

The easiest way to pay your Council Tax is by Direct Debit.

Set up a Direct Debit

Receive your Council Tax bill by email.

  • paperless bills are sent securely by email with your bill attached
  • you will not need a self-service portal account to view the bill
Register for paperless billing

You can also register for an online account. The self-service portal allows you to:

  • view payments you have made
  • view any balances outstanding
  • see the date your next instalment is due
  • view copies of any bills, previous bills, reminders and any other notices
Access your online account

Payment is due on the 2nd of every month, we can only change this date if you set up a Direct Debit

Online payment, internet banking

The details you will need are:

  • Sort code 30-91-92
  • Account number 02895329
  • Your council tax account reference number, this can be found at the top of your council tax bill
Pay your Council Tax

Pay by phone

You can pay with most debit and credit cards using our 24 hour payment line: 0300 123 7029.

Pay at a Post Office or PayPoint

You can pay over the counter at any Post Office. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or debit card. You will need your bill, as it has a barcode that the Post Office will need to scan.

You can pay at a local shop or supermarket that displays a PayPoint sign. Remember to bring along your bill, as it has a barcode that will be scanned at the PayPoint outlet.