Reporting a hate crime or hate incident
Hate crimes and hate incidents occur when an individual is subjected to hostility or prejudice by another person because of either their race, faith, disability, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. These five 'strands' are known as 'Protected Characteristics'.
Did you know...
Any type of crime can be a hate crime? This is because when someone commits a crime, it is the motivation behind their actions which may make it a 'hate crime'. For example, any individual who has been assaulted is a victim of crime and should be supported accordingly. If the offender shouts homophobic abuse before assaulting someone - this becomes a hate crime, as well as an assault.
Where there is evidence that a person has been targeted because of their protected characteristic(s), a judge can increase the offender's sentence?
You don't have to have one of the protected characteristics to be a victim of a hate crime? If, for instance, you are abused because someone thinks you are gay or that you have a particular faith, it doesn't matter whether their assumptions are accurate - it can still be treated as a hate crime.
How to report
Is it an emergency?
Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.
True Vision is a national police scheme to help victims report hate crime online, anonymously if needed.