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Policies, Schemes and Reports

Equality Objectives 2024-28

Everybody In - celebrating equality and diversity in west Cheshire

Everybody In is the Council’s equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) brand. It aims to raise awareness of the diversity of our communities, promote good community relations and make our commitment to equality clear to our residents and staff. The Everybody In campaign comprises of four elements:

Everybody Involved in shaping services and challenging how we do things

  • Interested in influencing and championing equality through effective partnership work
  • Inspired and motivated to promote equal life chances for everyone
  • Included in supporting communities to get on well together

In 2023, we launched our BeYou campaign to further develop our EDI work with the aim of creating belonging and nurturing growth.

  • Diversity is fact
  • Equality is choice
  • Inclusion is the action
  • Then belonging becomes the outcome

As we continue our journey to belonging, for the period 2024-2028, we have agreed the following objectives.

Responsibility for each of the Equality Objectives will sit with a Tier 4 manager who will work with colleagues in order to deliver them and will report progress to the Operational Equality Group and Equality Steering Group.