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Place Plan


The past three years have been extremely challenging for all and the role of individuals, families, communities, and the public, private and Community Sectors has been critical. Residents of Cheshire West can be proud of the vital role they have played in keeping themselves, their families, and their communities safe. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the plans, actions, and priorities of the Place Plan have helped shape our response to the pandemic and we have continued to drive forward our priority areas and actions.

As we go into 2024/25, we will continue the comprehensive stocktake and update of this Place Plan, setting out how we intend to address the current challenges relating to reducing inequality, and increasing years of healthy life and promoting improved mental and physical health and wellbeing for everyone in Cheshire West. We will have a clear outcomes framework to support our approach to population health overseen by the Health and Wellbeing Board; this will allow you the public, to hold us to account in reducing health inequalities in our borough. We will ensure that planning and decision making remains local in ‘Our Place’ and that the residents of our borough remain at the heart of our plans.