Town and parish councils
Parish council forms
Register of interests, gifts and hospitality
Here are forms for parish or town councillors to complete when they take up their appointment or change their personal details or circumstances, as specified in Part 3 of the Code of Conduct, where members must provide written notification of interests to the Monitoring Officer. The reply address is at the bottom of the forms, and they can be completed electronically or on paper.
The forms are as follows:
- Registration of interests (PDF, 96KB), for all councillors to complete, preferably as they take up their appointment.
- Rider about sensitive information (PDF, 112KB), for where a member considers some of the information to be "sensitive".
- Form for Declaring gifts and hospitality (PDF, 85KB) over £25.
- Code of Conduct (PDF, 334KB) for information.
If any advice on the process is required, please contact us:
- Telephone: 01244 975996