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Working together for a Wilder Cheshire and Warrington

Help us understand how nature matters to you and what actions you think could be taken to help wildlife across Cheshire and Warrington.

We want to develop a blueprint (Local Nature Recovery Strategy) to help wildlife thrive, improve our ecological network, but also target investment in nature where it could help us adapt to climate change and improve the places we live, work and play.

If you are a Farmer/ landowner with more than one hectare of land, we’d also like you to register land where you might be interested in attracting investment to help with nature’s recovery.

Public workshops

As a result of consultation responses, and taking into account other plans and strategies cross the county, public workshops are planned in Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Warrington throughout May to develop and confirm a long list of priorities that the Local Nature Recovery Strategy may need to tackle.

  • 8 May: St. Mary’s Church, Chester
  • 15 May: Macclesfield Town Hall, Macclesfield
  • 22 May: Walton Hall and Gardens, Warrington

If you wish to participate, please follow the link below and choose the date and location best suited for you:

Nature Recovery Priority workshop

Please note numbers will be limited to 100 attendees, therefore please book your tickets ASAP.

Themed discussions at each workshop will look to agree a long list of priorities for:-

  1. Woodland, Hedgerows and Trees (& Orchards)
  2. Grassland & Heathland
  3. Rivers & Canals
  4. Peatland, Meres, Mosses & Ponds (and other enclosed waters)
  5. Nature solutions to broader environmental, economic, and social priorities across the county (Where nature can play its part)

Priorities from these workshops will be shared with Cheshire Local Nature Partnership, supporting authorities and partners as we look to shortlist and develop targets, actions and initiatives for each, that we and others intend to pursue as we all work together for a ‘Wilder Cheshire’ over the next 10yrs.

Pledge your action for Nature

Please join us and others in sharing what difference you intend to make for nature by registering this as a pledge. Pin this on the interactive map so everyone can see the huge number of actions we are taking together to make a difference for nature throughout the county.

Tell us what actions you plan to take

Put your pledge on the map

*If the pledge is done on public land, please make sure that this will or has been given consent by the local authority of the borough.

Call for sites – to invest in nature

Would you like land you own to be looked at to see if it should be included in areas mapped as a priority area for investment in nature’s recovery? If so, register this land with us.

Sites will be kept confidential and not shared on any public platform. But knowing where landowners may be prepared to work with the local planning authorities within Cheshire & Warrington will help us map achievable priority areas to target vital improvements to the ecological network. Sites incorporated in broader published priority zones featured in the final strategy should find it easier to attract funding support, becoming a focus for Biodiversity Net Gain investment or the targeting of support from future Agri-Environment Schemes.

Please state in the contact details whether you are a tenant or the landowner. If you are a tenant, please confirm that the landowner is in agreement with your proposals.

Register your potential nature investment site

Please see the document attached for some information on grants currently available.

If you would like help finding advice or support to develop your ideas and proposals, please let us know and we’ll try and put you in touch with the correct organisation that may be able to help you.

What happens next?

Responses to the questionnaire are being analysed to help confirm the priorities that everyone deems important to help with nature recovery for Cheshire. Your contact details will be used to provide you with updates on the progress of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

With your ‘Pledge for Nature’, we will hold onto your contact details, if you have shared them (as per our Privacy policy) for the next 2 years. Over the next 2 years, there might be an opportunity that we will contact you to see how your pledge is developing and we might use it as one of our case studies in the review of the strategy. Not only that, but you might be nominated for our Wilder Cheshire awards, which will be starting in 2026.

For our farmers and landowners that have submitted land where there’s an interest in investment or advice for nature’s recovery, we will be in contact after the first round of public workshops to get these areas mapped. We can then determine whether they qualify to be incorporated in our ‘opportunity mapping’ process. We’ll also seek to provide advice and information on who may be able to help with any specific ideas you may have.

Privacy Notice

If you would like to know more about how we use and store the information you give us, you can visit our privacy notice page.


Council information is also available in audio, braille, large print or other formats. If you would like a copy in a different format, in another language or require a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter, please contact us: