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Photo consent privacy notice

Who will own my data once I submit it?

We will own your data once it has been submitted.

Why do you need my information?

We will use the information you have provided to guide where we use photos that you, your children or the group you are responsible for are used. For example, in press releases, on our website, on social media posts or in publications.

What allows you to use my information?

We rely on your consent to use your information. As such you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You don't have to consent to the use of your image. An image will not be used if we have no evidence consent has been given.

Who will my information be shared with?

Your data will be processed by our Communications team or the service that has organised the photo or video that you are included in. The photo or video, which includes yourself, your child or a group you are responsible for, will only be used in the communication channels you have specified on the completed form (such as on the internet, social media or in publications). Your details will be dealt with confidentially and stored on our secure computer system. Any use of personal data will be in full accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Do I have to provide this information and what will happen if I don't?

If you would like your image or a video of you to be used on one of our marketing channels, such as social media, on our website or in publications, we will need you to complete our photo consent form to say where you would be happy for it to be used.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing:

How long will you keep this data for and why?

Your data, including images, will be stored for five years from the date on the consent form. During this period, we can refer to your consent form to check where you are happy for your image to be used should we want to use it again. After five years the image would be considered out of date and the image and your consent form will be destroyed unless further consent has been sought and approved. The image will not be used after this time for new projects but may still be in circulation in existing publications. You can withdraw consent and ask for data to be erased at any time.

How will my information be stored?

Your information will be stored alongside your photo in a secure online folder. Access is limited to our Communications team and the service that has booked the photography or video.

What rights do I have when it comes to my data?

You have the right under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) to request a copy of your information and to know what it is used for and how it has been shared. This is called the right of subject access. You also have the right to ask for any information you have provided to be deleted if you no longer wish for your photo to be used.

To request a copy of your data or ask questions about how it is used, please download a copy from our Data Protection for you page and send it to:

Who can I complain to if I am unhappy about how my data is used?

You can complain directly to our Data Protection team online or by post.

  • By post: Phil Orchard, Data Protection Officer, HQ, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP
Contact the DPO

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office using the following details:

  • By post: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
  • Telephone: 08456 306060 or 01625 545745
Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website

Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?


Will my data be transferred abroad and why?

No, data is held securely in the UK and will not be transferred abroad.