Your bin collection
What goes in my bin/box/bag?
- bread, cakes and pastries
- dairy products (e.g. cheese and butter)
- eggs and their shells
- fruit and vegetables (raw and cooked)
- meat and fish (raw and cooked including bones)
- raw and cooked waste food
- rice, pasta and beans
- tea bags and coffee grounds
- uneaten pet food
- corrugated card (large amounts should be flat and folded)
- cardboard (e.g cereal boxes, tea bag boxes)
- cartons (tetrapaks)
- envelopes with windows
- paper
- shredded paper
- clean plastic bottles, lids, pots tubs, trays
- glass bottles and jars (no broken glass, panes of glass or pyrex)
- cans and tins (paint cans should be recycled at the recycling centres)
- tin foil, foil trays
- empty aerosols
- black plastic packaging
- corrugated card (large amounts should be flat and folded)
- cardboard (e.g cereal boxes, T bags boxes)
- cartons
- envelopes with windows
- paper
- shredded paper
- cans and tins (paint cans should be recycled at the recycling centres)
- empty aerosols
- glass bottles and jars (no broken glass, panes of glass or pyrex)
- plastic bottles, lids, pots tubs, trays (no black plastic)
- tin foil, foil trays
- general waste (no construction or recycling waste)
- polystyrene
- pet waste
- general waste
- polystyrene
- pet waste
- cut flowers
- grass and hedge clippings
- leaves
- small branches and twigs
Garden waste collections are now a chargeable service so you need to subscribe and pay for all your garden bins to be emptied by us.
Please place other items out for collection alongside your new recycling bins in a sturdy box (such as your old recycling boxes) or plastic bag.
- household batteries
- cooking oil (please ensure that you leave this out in a sealed container next to your food bin)
- mobile phone
- small electrical items (smaller than a toaster)
- small empty printer cartridges
- spectacles
- broken glass
- carbon paper, laminated paper
- cards with embellishments such as feathers and glitter
- CD cases and cassette tapes
- cling film
- Compostable cups and cutlery (The current recycling process cannot compost these)
- food contaminated paper/card
- gas cylinders/bottles
- glass household items: pyrex oven wear, drinking glasses, mirrors, decorative glass (vases), windowpanes, and glass ornaments
- hard back books
- large metal items such as metal window frames and car parts
- light bulbs
- metallic wrapping paper
- paint cans
- pet food and baby food pouches
- plastic bags
- polystyrene packaging/trays
- tissues, kitchen roll, wet wipes and paper towels
- toys
Please note: some of these items could be taken into a charity shop for re-use
For a more in depth list of what can be recycled please see