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Recycle First food waste recycling campaign
We throw away over 20,000 tonnes of food waste every year in Cheshire West and Cheshire, so recycling food waste is a priority for us.
To help increase food waste recycling we need to raise awareness and help make it even easier for our customers to recycle more food waste.
We have been awarded a grant of £35,000 from the Waste and Resource Action Programme the national recycling charity. They are funded by the government to help the UK meet its recycling targets. By recycling more we help minimise waste disposal, reduce carbon emissions, create new businesses and support local jobs.
We have invested this grant in promoting our existing food recycling service. So far we have:
- promoted food waste recycling door to door in areas where residents need the most encouragement
- delivered a leaflet to every home in Cheshire West and Cheshire explaining why it’s important to recycle food waste
- used the local media and social media to help with myth busting and increase awareness
- delivered a series of roadshows across Cheshire West and Cheshire explained to residents face to face about the importance of recycling food waste.
Changes to Charities Permit Scheme
From 1 April 2017, changes came into effect to the way Charities Permits are issued. There will be changes to the application process and the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) facilities available.
All current charity permit holders will need to reapply for a permit with only one permit per premises being issued within a 12 month period.
Changes to the Household Waste Recycling Centre service
Improvements were made to Household Waste Recycling Centres in April 2017.

The Councils ‘Let’s Talk’ consultation in 2016 highlighted a public appetite to make further savings from its waste management service.
After considering a number of options, the Council’s Cabinet agreed to reduce the opening days and hours of some sites as an alternative to closing sites. This will allow the Council to achieve significant savings whilst still maintaining the number of sites across the borough.