Methods of involving the community
Public participation is a valuable part in the formulation, implementation and use of active travel schemes. Good communication with our communities is essential for this to happen.
All of the methods of engagement detailed in this section are credible providing they are used in the right context. The information below sets out how we will seek to involve people in the active travel schemes development process, the methods of engagement, highlighting some of the benefits of each method and the effect, if any, on our resources. Not all of these methods will be used for each stage of the preparation of active travel schemes.
To ensure that we make the most efficient use of the resources available we will make use of existing networks and groups wherever possible. This can include the community and voluntary sector and representative community groups.
Our website will be a major source of information for emergency active travel initiatives. Webpages will continuously be reviewed and amended to make sure they are up-to-date.
The Strategic Transport Team also use an interactive Participate Now web-based portal. Scheme information and supporting evidence can be viewed and downloaded from these pages and responses can be submitted online. We encourage people able to access the internet to make use of this online facility.
The local media will be used to advertise and promote the development of active travel schemes and related consultations. Information will also be shared via social media channels.
Promotional materials can be in the format of newsletters and leaflets. Leaflets can be used to introduce new active travel schemes that we intend to develop and also to summarise documents as an alternative to other means. Leaflets should interest people sufficiently for them to want to get involved in the process.
These options offer a variety of ways to provide a large amount of information and to have one-to-one contact with the general public. Displays and exhibitions can be either manned or unmanned depending upon the content of the material.
Members of the Strategic Transport team and some of our other colleagues help facilitate community workshops and discussions whilst providing professional information about the scheme development process.
Committee meetings could take the form of meetings held by town/parish councils or dedicated Council panels such as the Active Travel Forum. Stakeholder meetings can take the form of steering groups and focus groups. They have a more structured format than many methods and can be used to inform as well as consult a represented group in the community.
Corresponding with consultees can range from letters to emails being sent to specific and general consultation bodies.