Street cleaning

We are responsible for sweeping roads, pavements and public land. This is usually because of litter, leaves, dust and dirt.
What we do
Roads and public open spaces are cleaned monthly and shopping areas are usually cleaned daily or weekly, depending on the amount of people who visit that area. Timeframes vary according to the location, season and weather.
How we do it
We use a mixture of road sweepers and officers who go out to locations in the borough. We have guidelines for our response times, which will give you an idea when and how often we clean an area.
What you can do
It is important that we play our part in keeping our area clean. Take litter home with you or use one of our litter bins. If you find that the bin is full you can tell us if a bin needs emptying.
During the autumn, highways, pavements and public spaces will have a lot of leaf fall which usually lasts until February. We try to clear these areas as much as possible but as they continually fall this can make it difficult.
We prioritise slippery or dangerous leaves in areas which have more trees and are close to busy areas.
I've already reported an issue
You can check the progress of the report using our status checker. You can also use this to provide an update.