Improving walking, wheeling and cycling access

The Ellesmere Port town centre transformation plans will improve pedestrian and cycle links to make it safer and easier to walk, wheel and cycle from Ellesmere Port railway station into the heart of the town centre.
Your views
Thank you to everyone who took part in the public engagement in autumn 2023. Over 220 people took part in the online survey and there were more than 100 comments from people at the drop-in sessions at the market. Other feedback has also been gathered to understand the practicalities of the proposed routes, including comments to the Levelling Up Fund email address, face-to-face engagement, social media, and a range of meetings with stakeholders.
Feedback from the engagement activity has informed which routes are now progressing to detailed designs. These are Route A for walking and wheeling along Whitby Road and Route B for cycling along Cromwell Road.
The project aims to help to reduce traffic congestion and improve accessibility to the main retail areas of the Town Centre.
Key aspects include:
- Improved footways and safer, accessible crossing points
- New cycle route
- New bike parking
What are the different routes?
Along Cromwell Road it is proposed to have new speed humps and signs along the 20mph road. This will provide a safer environment for cyclists using the road.
It is proposed to install a new roundabout at the junction of Cromwell Road and Wellington Road to improve safety at this location.
Cyclists will continue along Wellington Road along its length up to an improved shared pedestrian/cycle path that allows access to the shopping area car park.
Cyclists will then be directed through the car park along a segregated cycle track to head west to the new landscaped area outside the market and along Wellington Road towards Whitby Park.
The scheme objectives are to improve all crossing points along the route between the railway station and the market. both along Whitby Road to York Road and along Cromwell Road and Wellington Road.
This includes providing new tactile paving and dropped kerbs at locations that have no facilities along the route. Raising the road locally at certain crossing locations will enhance/improve the experience for wheelchair users.
Some junctions currently have poor alignment of crossings so these will be realigned using new kerbs and buildouts to improve safety for the public.
Signalised pedestrian crossings throughout the route will be improved to provide suitable crossings for pedestrians.
In addition to Levelling Up Funding, the Council has also been awarded £274,000 from Active Travel England.
This additional funding will enable an extended walking, wheeling and cycling route to be designed for future delivery between the M53 underpass and the Sutton Way/Stanney Lane junction. This longer route forms part of the Council’s adopted ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan’.
Support documents
- Scheme design commissioned – June 2023
- Active travel route and plans public engagement – October-November 2023
- Detailed designs of the two routes – December 2023 - March 2024
- Construction work on the Levelling Up Fund project elements - March 2025
- Construction works completion - Summer 2025
Active Travel is about travelling to different places, usually by either walking, cycling or wheeling. This is typically for short or local journeys. Not only does this have great environmental benefits such as reduced carbon emissions, it also helps you get out and about.
This project aims to create a safer route for walking, wheeling and cycling, helping to improve and create a more accessible route from Ellesmere Port rail station to the town centre.
Currently people are having to avoid parked cars and other obstructions on pavements.
The Council will be consulting with local residents and businesses to help decide upon the best route for everybody.
More secure cycle parking for you to park your bike will be available at the completion of all works, around March 2025. The locations of the proposed parking will be included in the public consultation.