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Street naming and numbering


The address of a property is important. Many services including postal and emergency services rely on address data being accurate in order to locate properties.

We are responsible for the addressing of properties but Royal Mail allocate postcodes. We work with them when a new postcode is required and they will only issue one upon our request. If you have a question about your postcode you can visit the Royal Mail website for more information.

How much does it cost?

Category of Service

Proposed charges (VAT not applicable)

Charges (VAT not applicable) from 1 April 2025

House name change £80 £82
New properties on existing streets (excluding conversions) £200 + £45.00 per property £204 + £46 per property 
New properties created via conversion £200 + £45 per property £204 + £46 per property 
New properties on new streets £200 per road + £45 per property £204 + £46 per property 
Replans £200 per application + £45 per affected property £204 + £46 per affected property 
Confirmation of postal address per property £40 £41
Request for a plot to postal list per street naming and numbering application £75 £76.50
Re-naming existing street £200 + £45 per affected property £204 + £46 per affected property 

How do I apply? 

Please ensure that your property falls within the borough. You can check which local council your property falls under on the Gov.UK website.

Apply for Street Naming and Numbering

What happens next?

We aim to:

  • complete all applications within five working days for property name changes
  • complete all applications within 10 working days for naming and numbering of new properties on existing streets
  • approve suggested street names within 28 days of receiving payment. We will then complete the application for naming the properties within 10 working days from receiving the postcodes from Royal Mail.

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