Pre-application advice
Pre-application advice fees
For each type of development a fee will apply for formal pre-application advice given by us. All charges are inclusive of VAT.
Category A - £7,350
- dwellings: 750 or more
- all other developments: 75,000 square metres (sq m) or more or where site area is 8.5 hectares (ha) or more
- 5 or more wind turbines
- all applications defined within Schedule 1 Development within The Town and Country Planning Act (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Category B - £5,775
- dwellings: 250 - 749
- all other developments: between 25,000 square metres (sq m) and 74,999 square metres (sq m) or the site area is between 3.5 hectares (ha) and 8.49 hectares (ha)
- 4 or less wind turbines
Category C - £4,725
- dwellings: 100 - 249
- all other developments: between 10,000 square metres (sq m) and 24,999 square metres (sq m) or the site area is between 2 hectares (ha) and 3.49 hectares (ha)
Category D - £2,625
- dwellings: 30 - 99
- all other developments: between 3,000 square metres (sq m) and 9,999 square metres (sq m) or where there is a site area between 1.3 hectares (ha) and 1.99 hectares (ha)
Category E - £1,575
- dwellings (including changes of use): 10 - 29
- all other developments: between 1,000 square metres (sq m) and 2,999 square metres (sq m) or development being carried out where the site area is between 1 hectare (ha) and 1.29 hectares (ha)
Category F - £1,050
- dwellings (including changes of use): 5 - 9
- all other developments: between 500 square metres (sq m) and 999 square metres (sq m) or development being carried out where the site area is between 0.5 hectares (ha) and 0.99 hectares (ha)
Category G - £735
- dwellings (including changes of use): 2 - 4
- all other developments: between 76 square metres (sq m) and 499 square metres (sq m) or development where the site area is below 0.49 hectares (ha)
- all other changes of use where the number of planning units is being increased
Category H - £315
- dwellings (including changes of use): 1 new dwelling or a replacement dwelling
- all other developments: 75 square metres (sq m) or less
- non- residential lawful development certificates
- changes of use where no additional planning units are being created
- householder applications for alterations and/or extensions to dwellings or flats
- car parking (hard standing), service roads or other accesses
- works to a listed building
It is envisaged that householder advice will be provided free of charge via the general planning advice service (duty planning officer). However, if you require a formal response for householder advice the charge is set out above (Category H).
If you are not sure which category of pre-application advice your proposal falls into please use our enquiry form to contact us.
We have decided that the cost of providing this service should be recovered directly from the applicant and not fall as a general cost to our taxpayer. It should be noted that the current statutory planning application fees do not cover the cost of pre-application advice given by us.