Tarporley Library

We have a wide range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers and eResources free of charge.
Our libraries are now fine-free for children aged 0 to 12 years so they will no longer be charged for any overdue items. Any pre-existing late charges have been removed from their accounts.
Opening hours
- Mondays and Thursdays: 1.30pm - 7pm
High School, Eaton Road, Tarporley, CW6 0BJ
- Telephone: 01829 731794
Regular activities
- Craft and Chat: 2pm - 4pm, third Monday of the month. Bring along your current craft project and enjoy a chat and a cup of tea whilst you work.
- Rhyme time for under 5s: 2.30pm - 3pm, weekly. Sing along to your favourite rhymes, listen to some great stories and make new friends.
- Games club: 3.30pm - 5pm, first Monday of the month
- Reading group: 4pm - 5pm, second Monday of the month
- Lego club: 3.30pm - 5pm, weekly
Where is the library? How do I get there?
The library has recently relocated to the front of school – head to the main reception, and the library is on the left.
Public transport
The C84 bus linking Hanley and Chester calls hourly in Tarporley.
There are two disabled parking spaces in front of the library, and the school car park is available for library visitors