Helsby Library
We have a wide range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers and eResources free of charge.
Our libraries are now fine-free for children aged 0 to 12 years so they will no longer be charged for any overdue items. Any pre-existing late charges have been removed from their accounts.
Lower Robin Hood Lane, Helsby, WA6 0BW
- Telephone: 01244 981150
Opening hours
- Monday and Friday: 9.30am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm
- Tuesday and Wednesday: 9.30am - 1pm, 2pm - 7pm
- Thursday: Closed
- Saturday: 9.30am - 1pm
- Free Wi-Fi – login with your library card number and PIN/password
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service provides library books and talking books directly to the homes of readers who are unable to collect their own items from a library. If you would like to use the Home Library Service, please ask a member of staff.
We’re always looking for new volunteers and there are a number of ways to help, from selecting items for customers, to driving and dropping off items at customers’ homes. Applications can be made via our Volunteering page.
Regular activities
- Coffee morning: 10am – 11am, 2nd Tuesday of the month. Join us for a cuppa and a chat.
- GoOnline with OPAL: 10am - 12pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Friendly support with all your digital needs from OPAL (Older People, Active Lives) volunteers. Drop in.
- Colouring, coffee and chat: 11am, weekly.
- Storytime for under fives: 2.15pm - 2.45 pm, weekly. Come and listen to some great stories and make new friends.
- Digital device session: 3pm - 4pm, weekly. Basic help with your digital devices, from tablets to smartphones.
- Not a reading group: 5.30pm - 6.30pm, first Wednesday of the month. Come along for a chat and meet new friends. No reading required! Talk about books that you have read, would recommend and books you would like to read in the future.
- Rhymetime for under fives: 11 am - 11.30 am, weekly in term time. Great opportunity for pre-schoolers to come and make some noise and meet new friends.
- Lego Club: 11am – 12pm, weekly. Creative fun for all the family.
Where is the library? How do I get there?
The library is next to the Health Centre.
There is a car park located next to the library.
Disabled parking
Disabled parking is available in the library car park.