Great Boughton Library

We have a wide range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers and eResources free of charge.
Our libraries are now fine-free for children aged 0 to 12 years so they will no longer be charged for any overdue items. Any pre-existing late charges have been removed from their accounts.
Green Lane, Vicars Cross, Chester, CH3 5LB
- Telephone: 01244 973913
Opening hours
- Monday and Thursday: 9.30am - 1pm, 2pm - 7pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.30am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm
- Saturday: 9.30am - 1pm
- Computers, printing and scanning facilities
- Free WiFi – simply login with your library card number and PIN/password
Regular activities
- Baby explorers: 10.30am - 12.30pm, weekly. The sessions are aimed at new parents with babies aged 0-12 months. A chance for babies to explore their surroundings using sensory toys and for new parents to meet and chat.
- Storytime with nursery songs: 2.30pm - 3pm, weekly. Suitable for pre-schoolers.
- Digital buddy session: 3pm - 6.30pm, weekly. Our digital buddy is here to help with all IT issues. Either drop in or book a half hour session.
- Coffee and Colouring Drop-In: 10.30am - 12pm, weekly. Relax in the warmth with a hot drink and doodle on our colouring sheets. All materials provided.
- Reading group: 2.15pm - 3.15pm, first Tuesday of the month
- Scrabble: 10am - 12pm, weekly
- Rhymetime: 10.30am - 11am, weekly. Suitable for toddlers and pre-schoolers
- Digital buddy session: 11am - 12.30pm, weekly. Our digital buddy is here to help with all IT issues. Either drop in or book a half hour session.
- Lego Club: 3.15pm - 4.30pm, weekly.
- Craft and Chat: 10.30am-12pm, first Thursday of the month. Adult craft group, bring along your own project for friendly chat and crafting, all abilities welcome.
- Adult board games: 2pm - 4pm, weekly
- Not a reading group: 10.30am - 11.30am, second Friday of the month
- Family History bookable sessions: 9.30 - 12.45pm, fourth Friday of the month. Do you want to find out more about your family history but don’t know where to start? Come along and chat to our family history volunteer.
- Jigsaw club: 2pm-4pm, weekly. Drop in.
- Children's Board Games & Colouring: 9.30am - 12.30pm, weekly.
Where is the library? How do I get there?
You will find Great Boughton Library in an eastern suburb of Chester known as Vicar's Cross. The library is located on Green Lane, between the shops and Oldfield Primary School.
Public Transport
Chester City bus number 7 stops immediately outside the library on Green Lane.
There is a car park at the rear of the library.