Chester Library at Storyhouse

Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR
- Telephone: 01244 409113, option two
Opening hours
Library open and staffed by library team:
- Monday - Saturday: 8.30am - 7pm
- Sunday: 9.30am - 6pm
Open, but no library team available:
- Monday - Saturday: 8am - 11pm
- Sunday: 9.30am - 11pm
The library provides access to computers, printing, scanning and copying facilities.
Up to one hour of support with one of the library team. Basic IT and technology help provided, such as how to use an iPad, getting an email address or using our online resources.
Please phone 01244 409 113 (choose option 3) to book in for a session, or talk to a member of the library team in Storyhouse.
Regular activities
- Not A Reading Group : 6pm - 7pm held every four weeks in The Kitchen. There’s no required reading, just friendly discussions about books that we’ve read, those that we’ve enjoyed, those that we would recommend and those we are looking forward to reading. Everyone welcome.
- Rhymetime: 10am and 11am, weekly. Songs and rhymes for preschool children. Drop in, but arrive early as it gets busy.
- Family history buddy: 10am – 12pm, weekly. Our volunteers will be available in the library to help you to get started on finding out about your family history and answer any queries that you may have. Drop in.
- Young readers: 5pm – 6pm, weekly. Chat about all things book-related. There is no set reading or assignments, just come along and share your thoughts.
- Scrabble Club: 10.30am, weekly in The Kitchen. Drop in, everyone welcome.
- Adult craft workshops: 11am - 1pm, monthly. Learn a different craft each month. £4 per session, all materials provided. Booking essential.
- English conversation group: 5pm - 6pm, fortnightly, in the meeting room. For people who are learning English and school or college and want to practice in a relaxed, social environment. Drop in, no booking required.
- Rhymetime: 10am and 11am, weekly. Songs and rhymes for preschool children. Drop in, but arrive early as it gets busy.
- Not a reading group: 11am – 12pm, every four weeks in The Kitchen. There’s no required reading, just friendly discussions about books that we’ve read, those that we’ve enjoyed, those that we would recommend and those we are looking forward to reading.
- Digital Buddies: 11am - 12.30pm, weekly in the meeting room or The Kitchen. Digital Buddies is a digital support group run by Here and Now Chester. Advance booking is required. For more details and to book your place, please contact Alan Smith, by phone on 07932 556062 or email
- Shared Reading with The Reader: 2pm – 3.30pm, weekly. Shared reading group, bringing people together and stories and poems to life. No pressure to talk or to read aloud, you can simply come along and listen. For more details and to book a place, please contact Sheila on 07939 397843.
- Children’s crafts: 11am – 4pm, weekly. There will be a different theme each week and all materials will be provided. Collect your materials from The Den in the children’s library and take them anywhere in the building to make your creation.
- Sci-Fi Reading Group: 2pm - 3.30pm, third Saturday of the month. A group for like-minded people who enjoy chatting about and reading Science Fiction and Fantasy. Drop in.
- Italian Storytelling for children: 11am, monthly. Join Daniela for storytelling in Italian. Suitable for children and their families.
- Children’s crafts: 11am – 4pm, weekly. There will be a different theme each week and all materials will be provided. Collect your materials from The Den in the children’s library and take them anywhere in the building to make your creation.
- Chester Boardgamers: 12.30pm, fortnightly in the Garret Bar. Play new and traditional board and tabletop games in an informal sociable setting. Everyone welcome, suitable for all abilities. Feel free to bring your own games too.
More information can be found on the Storyhouse webpage