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Chester City Walls

Current work on the Walls

Collapse on the City Walls by the Eastgate Clock

In 2020 a section of the wall collapsed close to the famous Eastgate clock. To ensure that residents, visitors and businesses can still benefit from and enjoy this section of the walls our engineers, alongside external specialists, designed a temporary walkway which is incorporated into the scaffolding that is needed to prop up the wall. The scaffold was carefully designed to protect the Wesley Church Centre, take into account crypts and other buried archaeology between the Church and the walls, and maintain a fire escape route for the surrounding buildings.

More scaffold propping has been designed to support the partially-collapsed inner wall to prevent any further damage, with a roof added for further protection. This will be installed in the first phase of the repair work.

Work to repair the City Walls at the collapse site

Since the collapse near to the Eastgate Clock, we have been considering potential legal action, as it is our understanding that we have grounds to investigate negligence by a third party which may have contributed to the collapse of the City Walls.

We began a legal process to seek recovery of costs from those third parties who we believe to be responsible for the collapse; letters of claim have been issued. The prospective defendants deny wrongdoing.

The site of the collapse is landlocked. For a significant amount of time we have been seeking access from the owners of the land where the collapse occurred, however this has been denied. As access has not been granted, legal options have been progressed to enable access to the site to carry out inspections, and possible remedial works.

Enabling works, including vegetation removal were completed this summer in preparation for the main repair works.

We hope to be able to share a works schedule for repairs very soon – teams are currently reviewing and agreeing contracts with our suppliers.

We will continue to pursue every avenue available to ensure that the City Walls, an internationally recognised heritage asset, are preserved and maintained to the highest standard.