Winter gritting
Request additional gritting or salt bin top up
In line with our winter gritting policy, we treat routes on a priority basis to ensure the main roads are safe and open for all road users. Any additional requests for gritting will be considered based on the available resources following the completion of these main roads. However, we will probably be unable to accommodate all these requests in periods of cold weather as our resources must be focused on keeping the main roads open.
Salt bins are provided for members of the public to use on the roads and footways during icy conditions. They are only provided in residential areas next to shopping areas, part way up hills with a slope over 10 per cent or where there are special circumstances.
We arrange for our grit bins to be regularly filled during the winter period. A request to refill a grit bin for highway usage will be considered by the team. However, we are unable to accommodate all these requests in periods of cold weather as our resources must be focused on keeping the main roads open. A request for the refilling of a grit bin can be made but please note that this may need to be co-ordinated with other requests to make it cost effective.
Please use the form instead of calling the emergency line to request additional gritting or a salt bin top up.