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Vehicle crossings and dropped kerbs

Planning permission

You will need to apply for planning permission to drop a kerb if;

  • the kerb to be dropped is on a trunk or classified road (class A, B & C roads)
    any work you intend to carry out in connection with the dropped is not ‘permitted development’
  • the kerb to be dropped is not onto a trunk or classified road, but is the only work you are carrying out

You can check if a road is a trunk or classified road on the National Street Gazetteer.

However, you will not need to apply for planning permission if the kerb to be dropped is not on a trunk or classified road, and any work you intend to carry out in connection with the dropped kerb is permitted development (so does not require planning permission). For example: installation of porous hardstanding, building a freestanding garage, car port or extension.

Further information can be found on our permitted development page.