Children with disabilities
The aim and objective is to ensure that all disabled children are supported within their families and are fully included and valued members of their local communities.
Where to find help
If your child is in need or you want advice or support, please use the following:
To receive a service a child must fall within the definition of a ‘child in need’. This will be decided by a social worker on completion of an Initial Assessment.
To receive a service children and young people are likely to have one or more of the following impairments or conditions which impact on their life:
- Severe learning impairment;
- Severe and permanent physical impairment;
- Communication impairment which has permanent and substantial effect on the child’s life.
- A life-limiting health condition;
- Younger children with developmental delay;
- Sensory impairments.
How is the assessment undertaken
The Contact and Referral Team will pass the referral on to the Children with Disabilities Team who will then carry out an Initial Assessment of the child or young person within seven working days.
The referral will be allocated to a social worker who will make contact and arrange a visit to discuss the needs of the child and family. The social worker will also provide advice, guidance and support on a range of issues relating to the child’s disability. Leaflets are available explaining the Assessment Framework process for parents and children.
What services are available
There are a range of services within Cheshire to support disabled children and young people including:
- Support in the family home – such as direct personal care to assist parents in the care of their child.
- Short break family based care – this is provided by linking children and young people with a foster family.
- Short break residential care – this is provided in the children’s centres based in Ellesmere Port and Winsford for children and young people with more complex needs.
- Family support workers attached to the Children with Disabilities Team – the workers provide activities for children particularly during school holidays giving the parents a break from their caring role.
- Other Services – Children’s Social Care has links with many other organisations across the County to provide other services, such as summer play schemes and after school clubs.
Children’s Social Care can provide services themselves or parents and carers can purchase and manage their own support through the provision of Direct Payments. There is written information available about Direct Payments; ask your social worker for details following the initial assessment.
Transition team
The transition team for young people will provide a comprehensive transition service for young people aged 16 and will work with them through their journey into adulthood until age 25. The team will work with young people with life-long disabilities, both learning and physical disabilities, which occur either at or near birth, or before they have achieved all their developmental milestones. Young people with mental health problems will continue to receive a service from CAHMS. As the team is evolving, updates on new members of the team will be circulated as appropriate.
- Email:
- Telephone: 0151 356 6731 – main contact number - (voicemail facility available which is regularly monitored throughout normal working hours, Monday to Friday)
- By post: Transition Team, The Portal, Wellington Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BA