Child licensing
Performance licence
The law requires children of compulsory school age to be licensed by us if involved in performances of all kinds, including:
- licenced premises
- where a charge is made, for admission or otherwise
- any broadcast performance
- performances which are recorded by any means and intended for public exhibition
The application must be applied for by:
- the person responsible for the organisation of, or the engaging of the child in, the activity; or
- the person responsible for the production of the performance in which the child is to take part
The application must be returned to the Education Welfare Service, Child Licensing Team, at least 21 days before the event.
If less than 21 days’ notice is given, the licence may be refused.
Time off school may only be authorised by a licence issued by the Education Welfare Service after consultation with the child’s head teacher.
Part two of the application will need to be filled in by the child's parent/carer, this will need to be uploaded as part of the application.
Exemptions from licensing
Licensing is not required for performances organised under arrangements made by a:
- school of education, not dance school
- ‘Body of Persons’ - a Council approved group of people who are organising an event on an amateur basis
Licence free days
There is an exemption from licensing available which allows a young person to perform on up to four days in any six month period.
Notifications of Licence Free Day approval can be made by completing our form.
Body of persons
Approval for exemption by the ‘body of persons’ must be sought from the Education Welfare Service, Child Licensing Team at the Local Council, where the performances are to take place. Written details on the appropriate Body of Persons application form will be required by the Education Welfare Services, Child Licensing Team before final approval is given.