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Multi agency risk assessment


Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conferencing (MARAC) is a monthly meeting focused on increasing the safety of high risk victims and their children. Up to date information is shared and a risk management plan developed. MARACs are now promoted nationally as best practice response to domestic abuse.

If you think that there is a high risk victim that needs to be referred through MARAC you can do this using our online form.

Referring to MaracMARAC referral and RIC

You can also find MARAC resources on our domestic abuse (DA) webpages.

Why are we doing it?

  • to share information to increase the safety, health and well-being of victims – adults and their children
  • to share information about the perpetrator so as to reduce the risk they pose to any particular individual or to the general community;
  • to jointly construct and implement a risk management plan that provides professional support to all those at risk and that reduces the risk of harm;
  • to reduce repeat victimisation;
  • to improve agency accountability by ensuring that all agencies have acted individually to reduce the risk and maximise safety before a MARAC and undertake any new actions in accordance with the MARAC plan
  • Improve support for staff involved in high-risk DA cases

When and where is it happening?

MARAC happens once a month in Chester, Ellesmere Port and Winsford/Northwich.

Who are the key players?

Locally MARAC is chaired by a Detective Inspector or Senior Manager and coordinated by our Domestic Abuse family Safety Unit. Each victim is offered support by an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) who represents the victim at MARAC.

Nationally MARACs are developed and supported by Safelives a national charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse. You can find information and toolkits for your sector on their website.

What is my role?

Every agency should ensure their personnel know how to make a MARAC referral. This involves assessing risk using the shared Risk Indicator Checklist (RIC) and completing a referral.

Where to find help

Please contact the Domestic Abuse Family Safety Unit if you have any queries about the Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) or need a version with MARAC reps.