Domestic abuse intervention and prevention service
The domestic abuse intervention and prevention service (DAIPS) offer a confidential service for male and female victims. This is for anyone aged 16 years and over.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse and are at risk of serious harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members call 0300 123 7047 option 2. You can also speak to a professional who is already helping you. If you are in immediate danger call the police on 999.
Our staff (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates or IDVAs) will support you. They will assess the level of risk and discuss the range of options open to you. You will develop a safety plan together. We will work with you to help you take back control of your own life.
Who will know I have used the service?
The service is confidential. However we may share information with other agencies in order to do as much as possible to keep you and your children safe. There may be times when people who work with you do need to talk to other people. This is only:
- if people think that someone is at risk of harm
- to stop a serious crime
Read our privacy notice to learn more about how we use and store your personal information.
Remember you have the right to ask to see the information that is held about you at any time. If you would like to see this information talk to your lead professional who will advise how you can get it.
How do I know if I am at high risk of harm?
We will ask you questions from a risk checklist. This will help us work out a safety plan with you.
What if I have to give evidence in court?
We can make sure you have the support you need through our service and Witness Care Services. Your IDVA can go to court with you.
What can I do now to keep safe?
- Always call the police if you are frightened or have been injured.
- Work out where you might go to get away from the situation. This could be friends or relatives or a refuge.
- Speak to someone you trust so they know what’s happening. Call one of the numbers below or visit the Open the Door website for help and advice.
- Tell the children never to get involved directly. Talk to them about who to call and where to go if they need help:
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
- Childline:0800 1111
- Children’s Safeguarding 0300 123 7047
- Parentline: 0808 800 2222
- The Hideout
- Starting well
- Childline
- Family lives
Who else can help?
Visit the Open the Door website for details of local and national organisations who can help you and your family. Our team can put you in touch with local specialist services for children.
The Be Safe webpage also has lots of information to support you.
Safe Lives
The unit has achieved Leading Light status with the SafeLives Leading Lights accreditation programme. This is designed to recognise and reward good and safe practice in IDVA across England and Wales. You can find more information about this on the Safe Lives website.