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An adult supporting children living with domestic abuse

Children living with domestic abuse need to be identified, protected and supported. Not all children require children’s social care to be involved.

Where to find help

If you have concerns about a child’s welfare or feel they may be being abused or neglected call the Integrated Access and Referral Team (i-ART) for help and advice.

  • Telephone: 0300 123 7047

The team can be contacted 8.30am to 5pm from Monday to Thursday and 8.30am – 4.30pm on a Friday.

If you have an urgent concern outside these hours, or over a bank holiday, please call the Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) on 01244 977277.

Alternatively call Cheshire Police: 0845 458 0000/01244 350000 (999 in an emergency).

You can also find further contacts for advice on the be safe webpage.

Children and young people may:

  • Feel confused, anxious, angry, afraid, isolated, ashamed, guilty
  • Risk injury by being caught in between parents
  • Be unable to concentrate and to achieve at school
  • Be used to threaten victims (threats to harm children or have them taken into care)
  • Not have their own needs fully met by a parent who is struggling to cope with being abused
  • Be directly abused by the person who is harming the adult
  • Develop ways of coping that are harmful e.g. running away or using substances.

However, with support, most children and young people recover from their abusive experiences.

Early Help and Prevention Service

The Early Help and Prevention Service support children, young people and their families when they have a number of issues that are impacting on them. This includes children, young people and adults affected by domestic abuse. Visit the Early Help and Prevention webpages for more information.

Team Around the Family (TAF)

A TAF is a way of working out what extra support you and your family may need. It is used to get everyone working together to identify the needs and strengths of your family. It looks at what extra support you may need and who is best to help you. Many young people have benefited from TAFs and found them to be a positive experience.

If you feel you and your family would like a Team Around the Family assessment please speak to a professional who is already supporting you. For example a health visitor, a professional from school, a youth worker or a housing officer. You can also call your district Early Help and Prevention Team direct. Visit the TAF webpages for more information.

Teenage relationship abuse

Parents or carers concerned about domestic abuse within your teenager’s relationship can find information and advice on the West Cheshire Local Safeguarding Children Board.

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