Adult social care complaint
Our Adult Social Care teams provide services to thousands of people across the borough. We aim to ensure that the services we provide meet the standards expected.
Your feedback is extremely valuable so we want to know what you think so that we can learn from your experience and make improvements where necessary. We also want to identify what we are doing well.
Complaints process
There is one complaints process for all Health and Local Authority Adult Social Care services in England making it easier to make a complaint.
Complaints which include both health and social care elements are co-ordinated by just one of the organisations to which the complaint relates. This ensures that complaints are resolved quickly and more effectively across the Health and Social Care system. For complaints relating to health only please visit the Department of Health website
How can I complain?
If you are unhappy with the service you have received please contact us as soon as possible. We will try to make things right by resolving the problems informally as this is usually the quickest way.
You can speak to the person who provides you with the service or their manager. You can also contact the complaints manager directly. We will contact you within one working day and help you to solve the problem.
If the problem can't be solved you can make a formal complaint.
What happens next?
We have up to six months to look into the complaint but aim to respond to most within 20 working days.
Who else can I contact?
- Email:
- Telephone: 0345 015 4033
- By post: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
- You can find more information on their website
- Email:
- Telephone: 03000 616161
- By Post: National Correspondence,Citygate,Gallowgate,Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA
- Email:
- Telephone: 01606 305004 (Advocacy direct line)
- By post: 314 Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich CW8 2A
- Email:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01606 331853
- By post: Sension House, Denton Drive, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 4BH
- Email:
- Telephone: 01513506809
- By post: 1 Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 8AA
- Email:
- Telephone: 01244 397295
- By post: The Advocacy Office, Bowmere Hospital, Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 1BQ
- Email:
- Telephone: 01244 397295
- By post: The Advocacy Office, Bowmere Hospital, Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 1BQ