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Supporting vulnerable young people in Winsford

September 11, 2024
Average read time: 2 minutes
Employment support for young people

Cheshire West and Chester Council are pleased to be able to use some of its UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) to extend the Better Start programme in Winsford.

Delivered by Youth Fed, the programme is designed to support young people, aged 16-25 who are not in education, employment, and training (NEET), to improve their life skills, build their confidence and develop employability tools. The programme aims to improve their chances, with many progressing onto other youth provision such as the Princes’ Trust, apprenticeships or even employment.

The number of NEET young people nationally has increased following the COVID pandemic and this figure is predicted to grow further following the recent exam results. Currently there is less provision and support available for people in Winsford to re-engage. This additional resource should help to resolve this.

The successful Better Start programme has been funded through Winsford Town Council, Cheshire Community Foundation and “Awards for All” (National Lottery Community Fund) Lottery Funding, and this UKSPF contribution will mean that a further sixty young people will benefit from the additional support provided between August 2024 and March 2025.

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Cheshire West and Chester Council are pleased to be able to support Youth Fed in helping our vulnerable young residents. The additional four 12-week courses will ensure the Winsford programme continues and will increase the number of young people who are able to secure places with further education providers or work – safeguarding their future and increasing their life chances. 

Supporting this programme is the right thing to do for the next generation, and also helps young people to develop the skills and the confidence to achieve their ambitions and overcome challenges.
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Cllr Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration and Digital Transformation
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Youth Fed appreciates the support from Cheshire West and Chester Council, enabling us to extend our capacity to deliver crucial support to vulnerable young people in our community. The introduction of four new 12-week courses ensures that we can maintain consistent support in the Winsford area, empowering more young people to secure opportunities in further education or employment. This collaboration is essential in protecting their futures and enhancing their prospects for a brighter life.
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Kevin Bradburne, Director of Operations for Youth Fed

For more information on the project, or for anyone interested or wants to refer a young person to the Winsford programmes, please email or click on the Youth Fed website:

Better Start - Youth Fed

More information on UKSPF is available on the Council website:

UKSPF People and Skills
Funded by UK Government